So, I posted that entry about the whole “play” thing in profiles and although I got few responses, I did get a number of views.
It stands to reason if you put anything remotely sexual in the headline of a blog post you’re going to get traffic – this is akin to my Flickr stream where if I post photos of women that I’ve taken, many feet beat a path to my door.
One of the responses that I got to the earlier post observed play was pointedly not to be confused with activity partner.
This brings me to today’s topic of genitals as stocks or better still commodities. Stick with me on this one all the way through to the end otherwise you might find yourself getting angry without fully hearing me out.
Also, I’m going to use some vulgar terms here so if you’re easily offended you might just want to save yourself the trouble of getting all indignant and stop reading now.
Okay, everyone who would be offended gone now?
All right then, let’s get to it...
If dick were stock, it would be a penny stock.
What does that mean?
It means that there isn’t as great a demand for penis as guys would like to think there is. So, for all of you that think sending a picture of your erect member to women will somehow equate to success... ummm... in a word, no.
It may come across as sexist on my part but, women generally don’t have a shortage of dick unless it’s by choice, meaning there are a lot more sellers than buyers in the marketplace, hence the penny stock comparison.
As a guy, even at this stage of the game, I still think about sex a lot. I thought that would go away with time but, you know... surprise, surprise, it just doesn’t.
Perhaps the only thing that is different now is there is something of an ewww factor when I look at a woman below a certain age. Not on my end... well you get the drift.
Ladies however are much cooler customers when it comes to the whole mating thing though. Basically unbutton a button or two on a blouse, flash some flesh and like a fisherman at the height of the season they’ll get a bite.
Women deny having this kind of upper hand because to them it is more often than not a matter of having pickable choices. It’s not that there isn’t something in the offing, it’s just their choices are poor or maybe the one guy (that big fish?) they want doesn’t seem to be biting at the lure.
Women basically throw back a lot more than they catch.
Pussy, is in demand. (Ouch, some people will hate that I used that word!)
Since there are more buyers than sellers as a commodity it has a higher price.
This equation seems to reverse itself somewhere around the age of 40 or so though because the pool of decent men really begins to dry up for older women.
One of the reasons I find myself musing on this subject was the response to the "play" post. I’m thinking unless you are this side of Adonis, generally play doesn’t have much of an appeal for the fairer sex. If you’re unkempt, overweight or generally scraggly... well, play probably is not in the offing.
Also, I was talking to someone awhile ago (another member of the site) and she was telling me how a guy had sent a nude picture of himself, unbidden.
Guys, haven’t you seen enough Dateline NBCs to know this isn’t a good idea?
But, maybe I’m alone on this. What do you think? (1489 Views pre transfer)
End of a cycle, thoughts and all that jazz...
14 years ago
Women who are looking for play, or more aptly when a woman is looking for ply she need not and does not go to the Internet, and if she does, it is Craig's list. It is my impression that women who are frisky enough to be looking for play have the "relationship thing" locked up in one way or another. Many guys have a fantasy that they can play without getting played. Unfortunately for them, women are the consummate players. Miriam Makeba made a big hit early in her career with this fin de siecle Austrian tune that kind of says it all:
"One More Dance
Darling, go home, your husband is ill.
Is he ill? Let them give him a pill.
Oh, come my dear Franz, just one more dance,
Then I'll go home to my poor old man,
Then I'll go home to my poor old man.
Darling, go home, your husband is worse.
Is he worse? Well I am no nurse.
Oh, come my dear Franz, just one more dance,
Then I'll go home to my poor old man,
Then I'll go home to my poor old man.
Darling, go home, your husband is dead.
Is he dead? There's no more to be said
Oh, come my dear Franz, just one more dance,
Then I'll go home to my poor old man,
Then I'll go home to my poor old man.
Darling, go home, the will's to be read
What's that you said? I said the will's to be read.
Oh, no, no, my dear Franz, this is no time to dance,
I must go weep for my poor old man,
I must go weep for my poor old man."
I think this post is right on the money for the most part. I think (as an over 40 woman) that my choices are limited. I'm busy making a living, being a Mom and writing, that leaves scant time to meet people. I work at a religious organization, I will not meet anyone at work. Where I live is a great school district, hence families and married men. Oh, and I'm black, not a lot of people of color here. I get an occasional wink, a hotlist, but not much interest at all.
I think Gatos is right. Maybe I should just try CL?
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