
I bought some hats the other day.

You know, they have that old saying that goes “clothes make a man.”

As more time goes on in life I realize how relevant that is. Clothes do send as much a signal out about us as anything. Problem is I think I send mixed messages or maybe I don’t send good messages.

So, I bought a hat... well, two actually.

This is something I had been thinking about for months. I had been wandering the streets, looking through the Internet, trying to find a place where I could make my purchase.

Friday I was bopping around Manhattan and I finally got over to the hat store.

I really loved it too! There is something of my grandfather’s generation in a hat. Needless to say I always thought my grandfather was way cool.

I had checked out this store on Fifth Avenue, a really classy place in the 30’s but the time I went in with a friend the sales folk were unresponsive and the prices were a bit on the high side. Ultimately, I found the perfect place over in the Garment District and it made me so very happy.

I’m funny that way; these little victories can make or break a day. Another thing off my list and at the same time I really, really had a good time talking to the guy in the hat store. He was another throwback New Yorker, another peer who remembered when the city wasn’t so gentrified, so disneyfied and when you could actually go to different parts of town and find them to be the loci of different industries.

I wound up getting a Porkpie and a Blues Brothers (at least that’s what they call them). I looked at a Top hat and also a derby but I wasn’t crazy for the way the Derby fit. The Top hat may be something for a later day.

I have to figure they’re better than the baseball cap I sometimes wear.

I’m not a clotheshorse by any stretch of the imagination but, I do like the ‘costume’ aspect of clothing.

I’d really like to see about getting a zoot suit or one of those big baggy jobs like David Byrne wore back in the day.

Normally though I have to admit it’s jeans, jeans and a collared shirt. I have a couple of pair of slacks that fit okay but slacks just don’t hold up well for me.

Anyway, the upshot is now I get to take some new pictures with my hats! (1206 Views pre transfer)

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