Election day is almost upon us and of course in the next few days the drumbeat will increase to a fever pitch as the very real prospect of one candidate winning and the other losing will become a reality.
I’ve made up my mind who I’m voting for, I still can’t fathom people who say they are as yet undecided. Do these same people need help having someone picking out their clothes for them in the morning or having another person feed them?
Thing is, whoever gets in, people need to be a lot more realistic about what our prospects are.
We are on the cusp of a prolonged recession. The volatility of the market aside, over the coming months there will be decreased consumer spending, higher unemployment and growing deficits.
If you doubt me on this, ask yourself how freely you spend money given the current economy and how secure you feel about money going forward.
The point is whoever wins this election will have a tough row to hoe. There will be very little leeway for any chief executive after dealing with the problems of the economy. Consequently, expect the next year to two years to be a very difficult time.
I don’t want to sound pessimistic but, as caught up as people can get in the frenzy of campaign season, it is imperative to realize January 21st, 2009 if your guy wins, the sun will not immediately come out, birds will not start singing and all will not suddenly become happiness and light. The people who believe that are going to be in for something of a rude awakening.
Likewise, if your guy loses... well, it’s not all the new President’s fault if things suddenly don’t go swimmingly. I would venture between now and round about June of 2010 were going to be having some sobering times. The booms in the last century were in the 20’s, the 50’s and the 90’s it may be a bit of time before another boom comes along. (1334 Views pre transfer)
End of a cycle, thoughts and all that jazz...
14 years ago
I don't disagree with anything you wrote, mr, except that change is the only thing I believe in.
What’s funny is the immediate reaction a headline will provoke (purposefully written to draw attention).
I can understand and I agree with the idea of change, I caution though it will be slow in coming. I’ve heard quite a bit of rhetoric over the last two months, much vilifying the other side (no matter what side a person is on). I just believe whatever does happen, any results will be long in coming and it is foolish to think otherwise.
I agree quarters a a myth perpetrated by the video game industry.
This is not a drill! ... It's a miter saw...please familiarize yourself with my power tools!
Changing our Iraq condition
is a long overdue need.
Changing George Bush's tax cuts
for the wealthy is a necessity.
Watching John McCain change
from respect-worthy to a cartoon
has been illuminating.
The current mess has been a-brewing since World War II, and more acutely, since 1980. Anybody who believes there will be a quick fix is a fool. As a nation, we do have the intelligence and the strength to get out of this mess. But the first step is facing up to some really unpleasant truths about how we got here.
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