I have an ear infection at the moment.
Actually, I have an infection that started in my left ear and has now made its way over to the right ear. This is gross, I know. It’s really, really f@$#ing painful too!
I’m losing my hearing though and I imagine this is a harbinger of what it will be like when my ears decide to give up the ghost. Over the last few days I was trying to see if I was hearing properly just by speaking and my voice sounded like it was muffled.
This is the second time I’ve had something like this happen in the last ten years. Five or six years back I was working with a client, one of those all consuming jobs where you are either at work, or you’re thinking about work, or you’re working from home. My work can be that way at times although since I’ve learned to set boundaries for people.
In this instance, I had been running around with a bug for a few weeks. Not a full blown cold but one of those things that just wasn’t going away because I wasn’t giving myself the proper rest and opportunity to get rid of it.
I was run down, tired and finally there was a glorious day when I awoke with ear splitting pain in both my ears and just about couldn’t hear a thing.
A trip to the hospital ensued.
Long story short, after running around for a few weeks staggering like a drunk even though I had never partaken of any kind of alcohol taught me the lesson to pay closer attention to the cues my body gives me.
So, these last few days I’ve spent in a strange state of alternately sleeping or shuffling around the house in a ghostlike fashion. I’ve been dealing with it since Tuesday but the left ear feels like it’s getting better and hopefully in the next day or two the right ear will follow suit.
The good part about this is that I finally was forced to get my hearing tested and came to find out that while we all will find a deterioration in hearing as we age, mine is just a bit more than my peers. Usually I don’t mind it or notice it that much but there are times when I just miss a few words here and there. I’ve also found closed captioning to be a bit of a godsend because if I do miss something I can at least read it to fill in the gaps.
This failing will probably limit further the potential pool of candidates but, feh! Take me as I am or not at all. (1390 Views pre transfer)
End of a cycle, thoughts and all that jazz...
14 years ago
Dude, I feel ya. I had not an infection, but a totally blocked ear a coupla years ago and I was completely freaked out by the idea of never hearing again until I found out it was just a lotta wax (sorry for the "ew"). It super-sucks for you that it hurts too.
Feel better, you shufflin' houseghost, you!
Terrible. I have never had an earache in my life but toothaches galore. Maybe you aren't hard of hearing, maybe everyone is talking too quietly...
Toothaches are easier to deal with.
Worse comes to worse you buy yourself some really strong liquor, use it as mouthwash and you have some passing relief. I can’t go pouring scotch in my ear (although it does make the mind wander a bit).
I think if everyone were talking too quietly, I wouldn’t be turning up the sound on the TV so often.
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